A couple weeks ago, I was exploring the source code for the Java runtime classes, trying to figure out exactly how Java draws a circle, and was surprised at what I found. A circle can be defined as an instance of the java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D class with equal width and height. Graphics2D attempts to draw the Ellipse2D shape by calling for its PathIterator. A PathIterator returns segments of the shape in the form of SEG_MOVETO, SEG_LINETO, SEG_QUADTO (quadratic Bezier curve), SEG_CUBICTO (cubic Bezier curve), or SEG_CLOSE. An Ellipse2D contains an initial MOVETO, four CUBICTO segments, and a final CLOSE.
I eventually got my head around what that meant and its implication: The standard 2D graphics library doesn't concern itself with center points and radii, or foci, or pi. In fact, it doesn't even render a real circle, but a very close approximation. It renders four cubic Bezier curves representing 90 degree arcs of the circle. I found this discovery strange at the time, but on reflection it made sense.
The Games of Gargantua.
19 hours ago